The Mustang Woman
Mustangs were the original wild horses of the West. They’re tough, strong, agile, sound, and quick to learn. Like the horse, the mustang woman experiences great rewards because her life is filled with...
View ArticleBe Authentic
You are who you are, so don’t give others the power to turn you into something else. Whether you find yourself being challenged to go-along-to-get-along at work, at home, in the community, or in some...
View ArticleChallenges in the Workplace
Sometimes, we have to keep reminding ourselves that all of the emotional and political challenges in the workplace are worth the stress and effort they entail. It can be a lonely, frustrating...
View ArticleKeep Charging On
Become secure with insecurity. You’ve got the same hangups as other women. For example, that extra 10 or 20 pounds or remembering a word of praise for five minutes and criticism for a lifetime. But,...
View ArticleA Need for Approval
Just like you, I have wrestled with a need for approval for much of my life. Does this outfit work? Do I look fat? What if I say something stupid? Our self-doubts can cause us to search endlessly for...
View ArticleFear Strong Women
There is a saying, “Only weak men fear strong women.” Well, weak women fear us, too. So do some strong men or women who think that they lose something when we win something. In order to truly succeed,...
View ArticleIn the Midst of the Fray
When you are in the midst of the fray, it’s hard to simply wipe your hands and be free of it. It’s much easier for men who grew up with the rules of friendly—and unfriendly—engagement as they competed...
View ArticleTrue Success
True success is an inner quest. It’s something you define for yourself when you get up each morning, and you either achieve it or don’t achieve it by the end of the day. The only thing you can really...
View ArticleYou are a Manager
Welcome to management. Regardless of your title or position, you are a manager. It doesn’t matter whether you are the Queen of England or a hot dog seller at the stadium. You are always, always, always...
View ArticleTheir Own Worlds
We think everybody thinks and operates in the same world that we do, but that’s not the case. They’ve got their own worlds. We all come to the table with different agendas, beliefs, values, and...
View ArticleDeal with the Jerks
What can you do when you have to work closely with somebody you can’t stand? What if you have to deal with the jerks? Take a good look at that person. Certainly there must be something positive about...
View ArticleThe Lesson Hits Home
It’s one thing when, at work, you can’t understand why people are flaky or lazy or sloppy or slow. It’s another when you are at home, foisting your expectations on the people you love, and counting on...
View ArticleA Moment of Truth
Why do people lie, manipulate, undermine, and stab others in the back? Because they can. If you think it’s time for a moment of truth and to confront someone, be realistic. Do you really expect a...
View ArticleCommunicating as a Leader
Communicating as a leader is very crucial in a positive work environment. Here are a few tips for you: • Speak plainly, keep it simple, and say exactly what you mean. • You don’t have to slam your fist...
View ArticleMeaningful Success
Instead of measuring your days by how much you get done, measure them by how well you have lived and how deep you have gone. If you define your day with challenge, hope, people, passion, maturity,...
View ArticleTake Nothing for Granted
Take nothing for granted. The tomorrow you expect may not be the tomorrow you get. No doubt, you’ve heard many times about someone who worked and worked and saved and saved, planning for the dream...
View ArticleMy Purpose
Back when I was struggling so hard to become a published author, I joined a women’s group that would meet and process our lives. At one gathering, we bandied about our ideas for the topic du jour when...
View ArticleWork
I will often ask my audience members to raise their hands if they check their work e-mail after they go home at night. At least three-fourths of the hands go up. Just as many say they do it at least...
View ArticleThe Best Way
It is pretty common for people to think that their way is the best way. That you should react and respond as they would. That what motivates them should motivate you. So if you are more motivated to...
View ArticleWorking Like you are Working
Are you happy working like you are working? Because your relationship with work is a choice. Most of us have to do something in order to pay the bills. But just how deep we dive in is something we...
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